API Docs for: 0.0.1

File: index.js

//! itc-report.js
//! version : 0.0.1
//! authors : Marek Serafin
//! license : MIT
//! github.com/stoprocent/itc-report

* Module dependencies.

var async 	= require('async');
	request = require('request'),
	cheerio = require('cheerio'),
	moment  = require('moment'),
	fs 		= require('fs'),
	path	= require('path'),
	_		= require('underscore');

* @module itunesconnect

* Expose `Connect`

exports.Connect = Connect;

* Expose `Report`.

exports.Report = Report;

* Expose `Type`.

exports.type = {
	inapp 	: "IA0, IA1, IA4, IA9, IAA, IAC, IAW, IAY, IA3, IA6, IAB, IAD, IAX, IAZ",
	app 	: "1E, 1EP, 1EU,1F,1T, 4E, 4EP, 4EU, 4F, 4T, 7, 8, 7F, 7T, 8F, 8T, 2, 3, 5, 6, 2F, 2T, 3F, 3T, 5F, 5T, 6F, 6T, 1, 4"

* Expose `Transaction`.

exports.transaction = {
	free 		: "1, 2, 3, 4",
	paid 		: "5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 54",
	redownload 	: "1001, 1005, 1006",
	update 		: "1002",
	refund 		: "1003"

* Expose `Platform`.

exports.platform = {
	desktop : "Windows, Macintosh, UNKNOWN",
	iphone 	: "iPhone",
	ipad 	: "iPad",
	ipod 	: "iPod",

* Expose `Measure`.

exports.measure = {
	proceeds	: "Royalty",
	units 		: "units"

* Initialize a new `Connect` with the given `username`, `password` and `options`.
* Examples:
*	// Import itc-report
*	var itc 	= require("itunesconnect"),
*		Report  = itc.Report;
*	// Init new iTunes Connect
*	var itunes = new itc.Connect('apple@id.com', 'password');
*	// Init new iTunes Connect
*	var itunes = new itc.Connect('apple@id.com', 'password', {
*		errorCallback: function(error) {
*			console.log(error);
*		},
*		concurrentRequests: 1
*	});
* @class Connect
* @constructor
* @param {String} username Apple ID login
* @param {String} password Apple ID password
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {String} [options.baseURL] iTunes Connect Login URL
* @param {String} [options.apiURL] iTunes Connect API URL
* @param {Number} [options.concurrentRequests] Number of concurrent requests
* @param {Array} [options.cookies] Cookies array. If you provide cookies array it will not login and use this instead.
* @param {Function} [options.errorCallback] Error callback function called when requests are failing
* @param {Function} [options.errorCallback.error] Login error
* @param {Function} [options.loginCallback] Login callback function called when login to iTunes Connect was a success.
* @param {Function} [options.loginCallback.cookies] cookies are passed as a first argument. You can get it and cache it for later.

function Connect(username, password, options) {
	// Default Options
	this.options = {
		baseURL				: "https://itunesconnect.apple.com",
		apiURL				: "https://reportingitc2.apple.com/api/",
		concurrentRequests	: 2,
		errorCallback		: function(e) {},
		loginCallback		: function(c) {}
	// Extend options
	_.extend(this.options, options);

	// Set cookies
	this._cookies = [];

	// Task Executor
	this._queue = async.queue(
	// Pasue queue and wait for login to complete

	// Login to iTunes Connect
	if(typeof this.options["cookies"] !== 'undefined') {
		this._cookies = this.options.cookies;
	else {
		this.login(username, password);

* Request iTunes Connect report with the given `query` and `completed` callback.
* Examples:
*	// Import itc-report
*	var itc 	= require("itunesconnect"),
*		Report  = itc.Report;
*	// Init new iTunes Connect
*	var itunes = new itc.Connect('apple@id.com', 'password');
*	// Request timed report from yesterday to today
*	itunes.request(Report.timed().time(1, 'day'), function(error, result) {
*		console.log(result);
*	})
* @method request
* @for Connect
* @param {Query} query
* @param {Function} completed
* @param {Error} completed.error Just an error if occure
* @param {Object} completed.result Report result 
* @param {Object} [completed.query] Query that was sent
* @chainable

Connect.prototype.request = function(query, completed) {
	// Push request to queue
		query: query, 
		completed: completed

	return this;

* Fetch iTunes Connect Reporting metadata with given `completed` callback.
* Examples:
*	// Import itc-report
*	var itc 	= require("itunesconnect"),
*		Report  = itc.Report;
*	// Init new iTunes Connect
*	var itunes = new itc.Connect('apple@id.com', 'password');
*	// Fetch API Metadata
*	itunes.metadata(function(error, result) {
*		console.log(result);
*	})
* @method metadata
* @for Connect
* @for Connect
* @param {Function} completed
* @param {Error} completed.error Just an error if occure
* @param {Object} completed.result Metadata result 
* @param {Object} [completed.query] Query that was sent

Connect.prototype.metadata = function(completed) {
	var query = {
		body: function(){},
		endpoint: "all_metadata"
	this._queue.push({query: query, completed: completed});

* Execute iTunes Connect report request with given `task` and `callback`.
* @private
* @method executeRequest
* @for Connect
* @param {Object} task
* @param {Function} callback

Connect.prototype.executeRequest = function(task, callback) {
	var query = task.query;
	var completed = task.completed;
	// Keep request body for callback
	var requestBody = query.body();
	// Run request
		url 	: this.options.apiURL + query.endpoint,
		body 	: requestBody,
		headers	: {
			'Content-Type': 'application/json',
			'Cookie': this._cookies
	}, function(error, response, body) {
		if(response.statusCode == 401) {
			error = new Error('This request requires authentication. Please check your username and password.');
			body  = null;
		else {
			try {
				body = JSON.parse(body);
			} catch (e) {
				error = new Error('There was an error while parsing JSON.');
				body  = null;
		// Call completed callback
		completed(error, body, requestBody);
		// Call callback to mark queue task as done

* Login to iTunes Connect with given `username` and `password`.
* @private
* @method login
* @for Connect
* @param {String} username Apple ID login
* @param {String} password Apple ID password

Connect.prototype.login = function(username, password) {
	var self = this;
	// Request ITC to get fresh post action
	request.get(this.options.baseURL, function(error, response, body) {
		// Handle Errors

		// Search for action attribute
		var html = cheerio.load(body);
		var action = html('form').attr('action');

		// Login to ITC
			url : self.options.baseURL + action, 
			form: {
				'theAccountName' 	: username,
				'theAccountPW'		: password,
				'theAuxValue'		: ""
		}, function(error, response, body) {
			var cookies = response.headers['set-cookie'];
			// Handle Errors
			if(error || !cookies.length) {
				error = error || new Error('There was a problem with recieving cookies. Please check your username and password.');
				this.options.errorCallback( error );
			else { 
				// Set _cookies and run callback
				self._cookies = cookies;
				// Start requests queue

* Initialize a new `Query` with the given `type` and `config`.
* Examples:
*	// Import itc-report
*	var itc 	= require("itunesconnect"),
*		Report  = itc.Report;
*	// Init new iTunes Connect
*	var itunes = new itc.Connect('apple@id.com', 'password');
*	// Timed type query
*	var query = Report('timed');
*	// Ranked type query with config object
*	var query = Report('ranked', { limit: 100 });	
*	// Advanced Example
*	var advancedQuery = Report('timed', {
*		start 	: '2014-04-08',
*		end 	: '2014-04-25',
*		limit 	: 100,
*		filters : {
*			content: [{AppID}, {AppID}, {AppID}],
*			location: [{LocationID}, {LocationID}],
*			transaction: itc.transaction.free,
*			type: [
*				itc.type.inapp, 
*				itc.type.app
*			],
*			category: {CategoryID}
*		},
*		group: 'content'
*	});	
* @class Report
* @constructor
* @param {String} <type>
* @param {Object} [config]
* @param {String|Date} [config.start] Date or if String must be in format YYYY-MM-DD
* @param {Object} [config.end] Date or if String must be in format YYYY-MM-DD
* @param {String} [config.interval] One of the following:
* @param {String} config.interval.day
* @param {String} config.interval.week
* @param {String} config.interval.month
* @param {String} config.interval.quarter
* @param {String} config.interval.year
* @param {Object} [config.filters] Possible keys:
* @param {Number|Array} [config.filters.content]
* @param {String|Array} [config.filters.type]
* @param {String|Array} [config.filters.transaction] 
* @param {Number|Array} [config.filters.category]
* @param {String|Array} [config.filters.platform]
* @param {Number|Array} [config.filters.location]
* @param {String} [config.group] One of following: 
* @param {String} config.group.content
* @param {String} config.group.type
* @param {String} config.group.transaction
* @param {String} config.group.category
* @param {String} config.group.platform
* @param {String} config.group.location
* @param {Object} [config.measures]
* @param {Number} [config.limit]
* @return {Query}

function Report(type, config) {
	var fn = Query.prototype[type];
	if(typeof fn !== 'function') {
		throw new Error('Unknown Report type: ' + type);
	return new Query(config)[type]();

* Initialize a new `Query` with the ranked type and given `config`.
* Examples:
*	// Import itc-report
*	var itc 	= require("itunesconnect"),
*		Report  = itc.Report;
*	// Init new iTunes Connect
*	var itunes = new itc.Connect('apple@id.com', 'password');
*	// Ranked type query
*	var query = Report.ranked();
*	// Another query
*	var otherQuery = Report.ranked({
*		limit: 10
*	});	
* @method ranked
* @for Report
* @param {Object} [config]
* @chainable
* @return {Query}

Report.ranked = function(config) {
	return new Query(config).ranked();

* Initialize a new `Query` with the timed type and given `config`.
* Examples:
*	// Import itc-report
*	var itc 		= require("itunesconnect"),
*		Report   	= itc.Report;
*	// Init new iTunes Connect
*	var itunes = new itc.Connect('apple@id.com', 'password');
*	// Timed type query
*	var query = Report.timed();
*	// Another query
*	var otherQuery = Report.timed({
*		limit: 10
*	});	
* @method timed
* @for Report
* @param {Object} [config]
* @chainable
* @return {Query}

Report.timed = function(config) {
	return new Query(config).timed();

* Initialize a new `Query` with the given `query`.
* Constants to use with Query
*	// Import itc-report
*	var itc = require("itunesconnect"),
*	// Types
* 	itc.type.inapp 
* 	itc.type.app 
*	// Transactions
* 	itc.transaction.free
* 	itc.transaction.paid
* 	itc.transaction.redownload
* 	itc.transaction.update
* 	itc.transaction.refund
*	// Platforms
* 	itc.platform.desktop
* 	itc.platform.iphone
* 	itc.platform.ipad
* 	itc.platform.ipod
*	// Measures
* 	itc.measure.proceeds
* 	itc.measure.units
* @class Query
* @constructor
* @private
* @param {Object} config
* @chainable
* @return {Query}

function Query(config) {
	this.type   	= null;
	this.endpoint 	= null;

	this.config = {
		start 		: moment(),
		end 		: moment(),
		filters 	: {},
		measures	: ['units'],
		limit 		: 100
	// Extend options with user stuff
	_.extend(this.config, config);

	// Private Options
	this._time    = null;
	this._body    = {};

* Builds and returns body for Connect request as JSON string
* @method body
* @for Query
* @private
* @return {String} JSON String

Query.prototype.body = function() {
	// Ensure date is moment object
	this.config.start = TransformValue.toMomentObject(this.config.start);
	this.config.end = TransformValue.toMomentObject(this.config.end);

	// If start and end date are same and time() was used in query calculate new start date
	if (this.config.end.diff(this.config.start, 'days') === 0 && _.isArray(this._time)) {
		this.config.start = this.config.start.subtract(this._time[0], this._time[1]);
	else if (this.config.end.diff(this.config.start, 'days') < 0) {
		this.config.start = this.config.end;

	// Building body
	this._body = {
		"start_date"	: this.config.start.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T00:00:00.000Z]"),
		"end_date"		: this.config.end.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T00:00:00.000Z]"),
		"interval"		: this.config.interval,
		"filters"		: TransformValue.toBodyFilters(this.config.filters),
		"group"			: TransformValue.toAppleKey(this.config.group),
		"measures"		: this.config.measures,
		"limit"			: this.config.limit
	return JSON.stringify(this._body);

* Initialize a new `Query` with the timed type.
* @private
* @method timed
* @for Query
* @chainable

Query.prototype.timed = function() {
	this.type 		= 'timed';
	this.endpoint 	= 'data/timeseries';

	// Defaults for ranked type
	this.config.group = this.config.group || null;
	this.config.interval = this.config.interval || 'day';

	return this;

* Initialize a new `Query` with the ranked type.
* @private
* @method ranked
* @for Query
* @chainable

Query.prototype.ranked = function() {
	this.type 		= 'ranked';
	this.endpoint 	= 'data/ranked';

	// Defaults for ranked type
	this.config.group = this.config.group || 'content';
	this.config.interval = this.config.interval || 'day';

	return this;

* Sets interval property for `Query`
* @method interval
* @for Query
* @param {String} value One of the following: 
* @param {String} value.day 
* @param {String} value.week
* @param {String} value.month 
* @param {String} value.quarter
* @param {String} value.year
* @chainable

Query.prototype.interval = function(value) {
	this.config.interval = value;
	return this;

* Sets start and end property for `Query`
* Examples:
*	// Start and end date set manualy
*	query.date('2014-04-08', new Date());
*	// Start and end date will be todays date
*	query.date(new Date());
*	// Start and end date will be set as 8th of April 2014
*	query.date('2014-04-08');
* @method date
* @for Query
* @param {String|Date} <start> If end is undefined it will be set same as start. If String, must be in format YYYY-MM-DD
* @param {String|Date} [end] If String, must be in format YYYY-MM-DD
* @chainable

Query.prototype.date = function(start, end) {
	this.config.start = TransformValue.toMomentObject( start );
	this.config.end = TransformValue.toMomentObject( 
		((typeof end == 'undefined') ? start : end) 

	return this;

* Sets start property for `Query` in more easy/generic way
* Examples:
*	query.time(1, 'week');
*	query.time(20, 'days');
* @method time
* @for Query
* @param {Number} <value> 
* @param {String} <unit> day, week, month, etc...
* @chainable

Query.prototype.time = function(value, unit) {
	this._time = [value, unit];
	return this;

* Sets `group by` property for `Query`
* @method group
* @for Query
* @param {String} value One of following: 
* @param {String} value.content
* @param {String} value.type
* @param {String} value.transaction
* @param {String} value.category
* @param {String} value.platform
* @param {String} value.location
* @chainable

Query.prototype.group = function(value) {
	this.config.group = value;
	return this;

* Sets measures property for `Query`
* @method measures
* @for Query
* @param {String|Array} <value> 
* @chainable

Query.prototype.measures = function(value) {
	this.config.measures = value;
	return this;

* Sets limit property for `Query`
* @method limit
* @for Query
* @param {Number} <value> Not sure if Apple is using limit in ranked type query
* @chainable

Query.prototype.limit = function(value) {
	this.config.limit = value;
	return this;

* Sets content filter for `Query`
* @method content
* @for Query
* @param {Number|Array} <value> AppStore ID
* @chainable

Query.prototype.content = function(value) {
	if(typeof this.config.filters["content"] === "undefined")
		this.config.filters.content = [];

		this.config.filters.content = [this.config.filters.content];

		this.config.filters.content = this.config.filters.content.concat(value);

	return this;

* Sets category filter for `Query`
* Examples:
*	// Import itc-report
*	var itc 	= require("itunesconnect"),
*		Report  = itc.Report;
*	// Query
*	var query = Report.timed({
*		limit: 10
*	}).category(6001);	
*	// Another Query
*	var otherQuery = Report.timed({
*		limit: 10
*	});
*	// 
* 	otherQuery.category([6001, 6002, 6003]);
* 	otherQuery.category([6004, 6005, 6006]).category(6007);	
* @method category
* @for Query
* @param {Number|Array} <value> Visit https://github.com/stoprocent/itc-report/wiki/Cheet-Sheet#categories for available options
* @chainable

Query.prototype.category = function(value) {
	if(typeof this.config.filters["category"] === "undefined")
		this.config.filters.category = [];

		this.config.filters.category = [this.config.filters.category];

		this.config.filters.category = this.config.filters.category.concat(value);

	return this;

* Sets location filter for `Query`
* @method location
* @for Query
* @param {Number|Array} <value> Visit https://github.com/stoprocent/itc-report/wiki/Cheet-Sheet#countries for available options
* @chainable

Query.prototype.location = function(value) {
	if(typeof this.config.filters["location"] === "undefined")
		this.config.filters.location = [];

		this.config.filters.location = [this.config.filters.location];

		this.config.filters.location = this.config.filters.location.concat(value);

	return this;

* Sets platform filter for `Query`
* @method platform
* @for Query
* @param {String|Array} <value> (Look in Constants under Platforms)
* @chainable

Query.prototype.platform = function(value) {
	if(typeof this.config.filters["platform"] === "undefined")
		this.config.filters.platform = [];

		this.config.filters.platform = [this.config.filters.platform];

		this.config.filters.platform = this.config.filters.platform.concat(value);

	return this;

* Sets type filter for `Query`
* @method type
* @for Query
* @param {String|Array} <value> (Look in Constants under Types)
* @chainable

Query.prototype.type = function(value) {
	if(typeof this.config.filters["type"] === "undefined")
		this.config.filters.type = [];

		this.config.filters.type = [this.config.filters.type];

		this.config.filters.type = this.config.filters.type.concat(value);

	return this;

* Sets transaction filter for `Query`
* @method transaction
* @for Query
* @param {String|Array} <value> (Look in Constants under Transactions)
* @chainable

Query.prototype.transaction = function(value) {
	if(typeof this.config.filters["transaction"] === "undefined") 
		this.config.filters.transaction = [];

		this.config.filters.transaction = [this.config.filters.transaction];

		this.config.filters.transaction = this.config.filters.transaction.concat(value);

	return this;

* Transform Value Object
* @private

var TransformValue = {};

* Translates simple filters object to apple api format
* @private
* @function toBodyFilters
* @for TransformValue
* @param {Object} filters
* @return {Object}

TransformValue.toBodyFilters = function(filters) {
	var result = [];
	_.each(filters, function(value, dimension) {
			value = [value];

			dimension_key	: TransformValue.toAppleKey(dimension),
			option_keys		: value

	return result;

* Translates key to apple key
* @private
* @function toAppleKey
* @for TransformValue
* @param {String} key
* @return {String}

TransformValue.toAppleKey = function(key) {
	if(key === null)
		return null;

	var keys = {
		content 	: "content",
		type 		: "content_type",
		transaction : "transaction_type",
		category 	: "Category",
		platform 	: "platform",
		location 	: "piano_location"

	if(typeof keys[key] === 'undefined')
		throw new Error('Unknown Apple Key for key: ' + key);

	return keys[key];

* Translates given date to moment object
* @private
* @function toMomentObject
* @for TransformValue
* @param {Mixed} date
* @return {Moment}

TransformValue.toMomentObject = function(date) {
	// Quick check if moment
	if(moment.isMoment(date)) {
		return date;
	else if(date instanceof Date) {
		return moment(date);
	else if(_.isString(date) && !!(date.match(new RegExp(/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/)))) {
		return moment(date, "YYYY-MM-DD");
	else {
		throw new Error('Unknown date format. Please use Date() object or String() with format YYYY-MM-DD.');